Sunday, November 11, 2007


knitxcore, evil boy that he is (not) has managed to get me to join another blog site. Which is good since livejournal got all anti-breastfeeding, pro-censoring and I can't stand for that.

Life's been a little busy. Not much time to sleep, let alone knit. Maybe this will motivate me to get my ass into gear. And clean my room- I swear the dust bunnies have it in for me.

So, hi. I'm 25 and still consider myself a beginning knitter since I only began learning right about when book 6 come out (June 2005). I can knit, purl, increase, decrease, slip and yarn over. Anything more complicated scares me. I desperately need to learn how to crochet to finish a blanket- that's my next goal. After all, the kid was born in May? I've got time.