Saturday, December 15, 2007


I gave in to the urge to try the meme Robbie had post last week. I figured it would give me an insufficient data message, or some other tripe like that since I had all of two posts. *snerks*

Seeing as though I know how to remove an unsightly ad from the html, yes, I am feeling father smart today.

I need me some chocolate chips

And now, because I hate the yearly rush of "ohmygod, where they hell did I put it?!?!", my favorite holiday cookie recipe of my mother's, taken from page 9A of the Wednesday, December 7th 1977 Newsday newspaper, originating from somewhere in Long Island, NY.

Step five cuts off with the instructions '-Continued on page 13A', but it's self explanatory. If I find the extra bit, this will get updated.

Overnight meringues
1/8 teaspoon salt
2 egg whites
2/3 cup granulated sugar
1 cup finely-chopped pecans
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate bits

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees before you start making this recipe. It must be hot when the cookies go in, because you will immediately turn off the oven and let the cookies slowly cook for 8 hours.
2. In a dry, clean mixing bowl, beat salt and egg whites together, until foamy.
3. Gradually add sugar, a few tablespoons at a time, beating until mixture is very stiff.
4. Fold in nuts and chocolate bits. Drop cookies by heaping teaspoons onto a sheet of silicone paper (baking parchment).
5. Place cookies in oven, turn off oven immediately and keep door shut. Let cook-

ies bake for 8 hours. If your oven does not have a viewing window, resist the temptation to open it, because every time you do, heat is lost. Salmonella is a bad, bad puppy and you want those cookies to bake.
6. Tray should be cool when removed. Gently remove cookies from paper and store ideally in dry tin or Tupperware container; or a zip lock bag, if you have somewhere to place it where nothing will get dropped on the bag. These cookies have a tendency to crumble if grabbed too hard when removing from paper.

I think it makes at least 2 dozen.

My cousin Annie and I used to always fight who got the first one at Aunt Margie's get-together. She got all the ones on her birthday :-p

Sunday, November 11, 2007


knitxcore, evil boy that he is (not) has managed to get me to join another blog site. Which is good since livejournal got all anti-breastfeeding, pro-censoring and I can't stand for that.

Life's been a little busy. Not much time to sleep, let alone knit. Maybe this will motivate me to get my ass into gear. And clean my room- I swear the dust bunnies have it in for me.

So, hi. I'm 25 and still consider myself a beginning knitter since I only began learning right about when book 6 come out (June 2005). I can knit, purl, increase, decrease, slip and yarn over. Anything more complicated scares me. I desperately need to learn how to crochet to finish a blanket- that's my next goal. After all, the kid was born in May? I've got time.